Breathe + Receive

Let the body & your breath guide you inside of an experience where we open to receive.

Most will say breathwork is unlike anything they’ve experienced.

This self-paced will break you open & transcend you to the next level in ways you couldn’t even imagine.

We release past experiences, emotions, anxiety, unconscious beliefs + begin to heal.

You get to be free.

Because in breathwork - you are your own damn healer.
Everything is already within you.

Again, this is not a certification & you are not qualified to teach breathwork - this is to experience it for your own healing.


A portion of proceeds will also be donated to Black Girls Breathing ™. 

Black Girls Breathing ™ creates a safe space for black womxn to actively nurture their mental, emotional and spiritual health via meditational breathwork in an environment curated just for us. deepening our inhales, lessening our stress and taking up more space in the world.



50% Complete

Two Step

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